You are hereSunbury to Endenton, NC Loop

Sunbury to Endenton, NC Loop

nslamartin's picture

By nslamartin - Posted on 05 March 2013


C Pace                  7:30am                75 miles           Sunbury to Edenton, NC Loop


One of the nicest long distance Tour de Cure training rides in the area! Route available at - Tandems welcome! Bring lunch money - $10 to $20 - so you can enjoy a nice lunch break along the downtown waterfront in Edenton. Multiple stops with SAG support, cue sheets and the famous "homemade" chocolate brownies and truffles this ride is famous for. Cost of event is $5.00 to cover SAG support gas and rest stop foods.


From: Sunbury, NC Downtown Citizens First Bank; 23 miles south of Suffolk off Highway 32. This is a Team Portsmouth training ride for the Tour de Cure. This is NOT a ride for the cyclist trying his or her first long distance ride. The team rides as a group from Sunbury to Edenton. All cyclists need to be riding "event ready" bikes, because there is NO BIKE SHOP MECHANICAL SUPPORT. The few SAG vehicles that will be out on the course are there to supply rest stop support - food and electrolytes - along with limited first aid. If you break down, you will be placed in the SAG vehicle and you will remain with that vehicle until it arrives back in Sunbury at the END of the RIDE (3 PM)!


Leader:  John Maher, 672-1359 or


Start Location

View the route on


To save time, you may call ahead and preorder your lunch:

Soda Shoppe   

(252) 482-8300, fax (252) 482-8311


Edenton Coffee House    (252) 482-7465


The menus have been posted in the attachments area

For best results, right-click the attachments and select "Save Target As"

Edenton Cafe Soda Shoppe Menu.pdf2 MB
Edenton Coffee House Menu.pdf818.58 KB
Sunbury - Edenton (2012a) 75 miles.pdf301.33 KB